Michael McIntosh
Why are you attending UO?
I wasn’t planning on going to college, but one of my high school classes had us fill out the Common App and I thought I might as well submit it. One thing led to another, and here we are.
How/why do you want to change the world?
One step at a time.
What has been the best part of your college experience?
Playing IM basketball with the Love Gloves was pretty fun.
What are you proud to have been involved with at UO?
It’s not University affiliated, but volunteering with FOOD For Lane County for the past few years has been incredibly rewarding. Plug: we need more volunteers so hit me up if you’re interested.
What are some of your goals after college?
In the Fall I’m going to graduate school to pursue my Master’s degree. Once I finish that, hopefully I’ll wind up with that consulting job, and/or find a way to pay off my student loans. And change the world if I have time.
Who’s your biggest role model/influencer?
Shout out Mike Grose for being an all-around great person and having a solid reverse layup. Also Professor Ron Mitchell, Professor Anca Cristea, John Davidson, nedzer erilus, Miles Marrow, and Kanye West. Is that too many?
Which fictional character is most like yourself?
April Ludgate.
What is one fun fact about you?
I can make decent chocolate chip cookies.