Emma Rasmusen
How/why do you want to change the world?
Within environmental science, I am passionate about how people are affected by pollution and climate change. I want to actively work towards ensuring clean resources for everyone, most likely specializing in water rights. I want to change the world because environmental rights are fundamental rights – yet people everywhere, including our country, are denied the simplest building blocks to live. Through policy and advocacy for this issue, I hope I can make a difference — no matter how small.
What are you proud to have been involved with at UO?
This year I am serving on the Greeks Go Green board as a chapter representative working to educate Greek life as a whole on sustainability, as well as certifying my chapter with the Student Sustainability Center. Additionally, I am extremely proud to have planned my first fundraiser this term with no prior event planning experience for CASA of Lane County raising over $4,000.
What are some of your goals after college?
Ideally I’ll be living abroad in a place that I can utilize my Spanish, either through the Peace Corp or on my own for a few years. I plan to attend grad school once I return to continue research in environmental policy.
Who’s your biggest role model/influencer?
My grandmothers! Melanie, on my mom’s side, has always inspired me to voice my opinion and to stand up for what I believe in. She has been involved with advocacy work her whole life, especially for women’s rights. I love hearing her recount marching on Washington with my mother and aunt for child care deduction so that both spouses could work. Her stories of founding the first Virginia chapter of National Organization of Women and sending out newsletters, including to all the congressman, before Ms. Magazine existed to get out information about women’s rights with the ultimate goal to pass the Equal Rights Amendment have influenced my view of what people are capable. She has inspired me to want to be part of something greater than myself and to use my voice to make change. Marlyn, on my dad’s side, taught me to crave change. Hearing about her international travels growing up influenced me to leave my comfort zone, learn new languages, and expand my worldview whenever possible.
Which fictional character is most like yourself?
Vanessa from The Bee Movie
What is one fun fact about you?
My first year at the UO I took up boxing from a friend in the dorms. I am currently taking an MMA class to learn more about sport fighting.