With approximately 23,000 students at the University of Oregon, these students have been selected by their peers, professors and University of Oregon staff for the opportunity to be a 25 Duck. The award is bestowed upon individuals who show impressive leadership, innovation and passion, and after a month-long nomination period, a panel of students and professionals from the Alumni Center and the Emerald Media Group selected 25 students to represent the winners.
With varying major focuses and extracurricular involvement, these outstanding Ducks are affecting amazing change throughout the campus. They are some of the most driven and enthusiastic individuals within their programs and workplaces, and serve as an inspiration to all those around them.
The University of Oregon fosters a community of passionate, hardworking students and the Emerald Media Group is honored to have the opportunity to recognize these individuals.
The University is truly benefiting every day from the actions of these talented Ducks, and the passion of the following students is sure to benefit their future communities as well. Below you will find the stories of thoughtful, altruistic and ambitious students whom we are thrilled to have in the 25 Ducks family.
What is 25 Ducks?
Anna Smith
January 7, 2019
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