The new year often comes with the desire to better yourself, try something new and build good habits. A cold, rainy winter term follows the holidays, and this can often be challenging when all you want to do is curl up in bed with a warm drink and a fuzzy blanket, far away from all your homework and problems. Check out these attainable resolutions from the Essentials Staff, and utilize them to be the best you can be in 2019 — even beyond winter term.
Be mindful about winter term blues. Keep in mind that you’re here to earn a degree and you can always head back home to family over breaks, summer, and after college. -Shannon Enriquez
Make sure to drink enough water! This is so important for every aspect of life, including sleep, health, and even studying.
Clean out your wardrobe! Pick out clothes you no longer wear and donate them to Goodwill, sell them on Poshmark, or give them to friends. Make an effort to buy fewer and longer-lasting pieces. -Sophie Bange
Go digital! Reduce clutter (and ultimately waste) in your life by purchasing ebooks, taking digital notes, etc. There’s pretty much an app for everything you might need.
Try the “Downtime” feature on your iPhone’s “Screen Time” setting. It can help you keep focused on homework and off your phone, or leave you time to relax and take a much needed break from social media. -Cadaxa Chapman-Ball
Have a set sleep schedule — this can’t be stressed enough. Ultimately, the cramming you attempt to do in the time you could be sleeping isn’t worth the tiredness throughout the next day (and potentially week).
Try to read at least one book for fun every month. It’s important to enjoy reading outside of what we have to do for class, and I want to get back to my bookworm-esque nature I had before college. -Skyla Patton
Don’t worry about being judged or judging others. Focus on being the best you that you can be, and be yourself in the process. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself in 2019.