Finals seem to come by quicker and quicker every term, and it still feels like we just got done with last term! The key to not letting finals sneak up on you too fast is to have a game plan. Knowing exactly what the week will look like and how you’re going to handle the stress is the best way to make sure you don’t get overwhelmed.
Enhance Your Schedule
Many of us are procrastinators, and if you are too, you know that a lot of stress builds up around the idea of studying or writing that final paper. If you make a schedule of doable tasks every day prior to finals week, you won’t feel so stressed and need to pull an all-nighter to be prepared. The key is making sure you stick to the schedule, which means making it as welcoming as possible. Surround your studying or essay writing with things you look forward to like an episode of a show on Netflix, Facetiming a friend, or getting outside and enjoying the sun.
Switch Up Your Workspace
Online school has left us spending a lot of time in one place at our computer, and when it comes to finals week, that time increases even more. One way to make studying more enjoyable is taking advantage of the fact that it’s spring term and getting outside. Not only will it feel good to get some fresh air, it’s been shown that studying in different places helps improve your comprehension of the material.
Don’t Change Your Sleep Schedule
When the class schedule changes during finals week it’s tempting to change your sleep schedule as well, like staying up extra late to study and sleeping in. Abruptly changing our sleep schedule can be stressful to our bodies, and with the added stress of finals week that’s the last thing students need. As tempting as it is to use extra time at night to keep working, it’s more beneficial to get some extra sleep and you’ll wake up feeling better and with a better memory for your final.
Utilize Connections
There are lots of resources available to help prepare you for your finals, and they may vary class to class. Review sessions and study groups should be utilized as much as possible because the interactive nature will be one more learning method to help crystallize your knowledge. Office hours are another resource that are often overlooked in the last few weeks of the term when deadlines and schedules start getting busier, but taking advantage of one-on-one time to ask any last minute questions or just to listen to other student’s questions will help. Another connection to think about is your peers. Getting together to work through practice problems or go over concepts is another way to absorb the material more creatively, and it’s likely you’ll all come out having learned something new from each other.
Stay Active
Spending 20-30 minutes doing a light workout can help relieve stress, boost your mood and help you sleep. A great way to spend one of your breaks between exams or studying is to go on a quick walk and clear your head of the endless computer hours. If you’re not used to any sort of exercise routine, finals week is not the time to start. However, it might be a good idea to do any sort of enjoyable and easy activity that can help you de-stress and energize. Light activities may be an evening stroll, short yoga video, or a bike ride. If exercising is not an available activity to you, meditating can also be a great way to get the same benefits and de-stress. Mindfulness practices such as meditation can help you stay focused during the busy week and beyond.
Do What Works For You and Enjoy It
At the end of the day, sometimes you just have to get through finals any way you can. As much as everyone will advise against it, pulling all-nighters and having unproductive but unforgettable study sessions with friends is part of the college experience. Good luck and have a great summer!