The website content curator ensures that the Daily Emerald’s website stays up to date and features the most important content to our audience. Their primary responsibility is to use their news sense and Emerald readership data to make sure the website’s content is relevant and timely, but they may also collaborate with other members of the digital desk to improve the format or design of the site. The person selected should have a strong news sense and an interest in digital journalism. The Emerald will provide training in technical skills like navigating our content management system and using Google analytics.
Responsibilities include:
Manage website content on a daily basis by selecting which stories to feature online and when to publish them.
Monitor the website on a daily basis to ensure that fresh content is being featured and that breaking news is taken down after 24 hours.
Create monthly Google analytics reports to make readership data easily accessible to the Emerald’s reporters and editors.
Work with the digital editor or other members of the digital team to improve the organization and aesthetics of the website.