Monday morning, the first day of ASUO Elections campaigning, hundreds of University students and staff received an e-mail from a supporter of Ben Eckstein and Katie Taylor detailing a list of campaign goals and their platform.
An e-mail was sent out in support of Ben & Katie’s campaign Monday morning
The question of student e-mails being used for political purposes is not clear.
Students have received campaign e-mails in years past, but it has been confirmed that e-mails have been sent over University listservs.
Several University staff members have been confused when they received the very same campaign promotion over the deptcomp listserv.
“It appears that most of our staff have received this email. So far, one staff member has also reported receiving two SMS messages concerning this,” one e-mail forward read.
(text of the emails after the jump)
I’m writing to encourage you to vote in the ASUO elections. Elections for the ASUO (your student government) are happening from now until Thursday at 5pm on Duckweb. It is important that students have their voices heard in this election; your student government makes decisions each year that impact your life and you should have a say in how the University of Oregon is run.
I am supporting Ben & Katie because I think they are the best candidates to represent all students in these important decisions.Ben & Katie are fighting for students. They stand for:* Protecting and Expanding Student Services* Making Education More Affordable* Creating a Safe and Sustainable Campus
Ben & Katie’s slate members are the candidates who stand up for the same values as YOU. They support funding for OSPIRG, want to keep the UO public by opposing the new partnership, they want to bring an affordable and efficient postal service to the EMU, and they don’t want a fully-armed police force on our campus.I strongly encourage you to vote for Ben & Katie, all of their candidates and vote YES on all of the ballot measures. We need to protect the student voice.Vote on Duckweb today!If you want to find out more information about Ben & Katie or their platform visit their website.