The hearing process begins this week for requests from the ASUO’s over-realized fund as the committee extended the application deadline to Feb. 20.
The committee working to distribute over-realized funds received approximately 15 forms through its online application process. Committee chair Evan Thomas said he wants even more ideas because there is still money in the fund and applications are not due for another week.
Thomas said the committee wants to see “departmental or group-affiliated proposals”, as well as any other big ideas, meaning students don’t need to submit proposals strictly on behalf of an ASUO-recognized group.
However, the full Senate holds the final say regarding the proposals.
The committee requests that applications be filled out at and that if those requesting funds have any questions, they e-mail Thomas at [email protected].
Those requesting funds also have the option of copying the questions on the form into a Microsoft Word document, answering the questions there and e-mailing the file to Thomas.