On Thursday, Nov. 3, we announced that the student referendum on the proposed EMU renovation fee would be postponed.
This decision was made after many conversations with students across the campus, including consultation with various student groups who use our student union every day. We value the input of every student in this process, and the final decision on whether these projects move forward will still be made by students; however, due to several critical factors, we do not feel that now is the right time for the decision to be made.
This year, as the state legislature makes budget cuts, students are facing the possibility of mid-year tuition increases. Our executive is committed to fighting for affordable and accessible higher education, and we believe that students need to know with certainty whether or not tuition increases will occur before they are asked to decide whether a fee increase is manageable.
Furthermore, no policies are yet in place to protect student control over our renovation project. The EMU is home to a great number of student groups, and a second home to a great number of students. It is our and the student union’s bill to pay; we will not allow the direction of the project to be hijacked from students. Students want guarantees to preserve space and status within the new building, designated student feedback mechanisms in the design process, and a plan to have student input on how any revenue from the building is allocated. While the current plans include many exciting additions to our student union, these additions cannot come at a cost to student groups when spaces are allocated. The postponement of the EMU referendum will help to ensure that we have time to plan the project as it should be — with students taking the lead.
We acknowledge the importance of renovating our student spaces; however, it is equally important to go about these processes responsibly. We will continue to collaborate with Student Affairs to hold a referendum on the Student Recreation Center renovation as scheduled, as this project is less expensive and much less controversial. A decision on this project could be made now, while we prepare for a future decision on the proposed EMU project.
The decision to postpone the EMU referendum was a tough one, but we, like all student leaders who were consulted, are confident that it will yield the best outcome for students.
Please stay informed on this issue as the year goes on, and remember the importance of your input. If you have questions, ask them. If you have comments, give them. Remember that it is your student union, your money and your choice.
Ben Eckstein
ASUO President
Katie Taylor
ASUO Vice President
Letter: Why the ASUO executive postponed the EMU vote
Daily Emerald
November 5, 2011
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