Sweet damn. It’s already December. When did that happen?
We are now entering the magical month of Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, winter solstice, New Year’s and probably many more holidays I know nothing about. It can be stressful. It can kinda suck being away from friends and back with family for such a long time. But it doesn’t have to!@@yay! McKenna to the rescue!@@
I’ve been alive now for 20 Decembers, and in that time, I have gleaned a few tips I’d like to share for making your holiday season extra awesome.
Wait until after Thanksgiving to start Christmas
This rule doesn’t apply to this year, of course, because Thanksgiving has already passed, but I get so annoyed when people start playing Christmas music before Turkey Day has arrived. Is an entire month not enough time for you people? This year at Thanksgiving we had a mantra: “Respect the bird” (or, alternately, “Respect the turkey” — my little cousin got a bit confused at one point and declared that we should “Respect the turd.”) Thanksgiving is a fabulous holiday full of delicious food that deserves its day in the sun. Or rain, if you’re a native Oregonian. So next year, wait to blast the*NSYNC Christmas album until Black Friday at the very latest.
Hold off on buying presents
Now, I realize that this sounds counterintuitive,@@m w@@ but hear me out. I usually buy my family and friends presents early on in December, and then I have to wait around and not tell them what I bought them for two to three weeks. It’s torture, especially when I buy them something really amazing. I just want them to open it the second I wrap it up.@@heh heh@@ So, I’ve learned to make a list of what I’m getting everyone but wait until four or five days before Christmas to actually buy their gifts — that way I won’t spill the beans.
Go easy on the eggnog
I’m not the world’s biggest fan of eggnog, but I’ll usually partake in a glass or two over winter break. Some, though, drink the stuff like they’ve just returned from the desert. Lay off it, people!@@lol@@ An 8 oz. glass of eggnog contains 350 calories. In a single night, you could easily toss back three or four glasses, and you’ve got an extra thousand calories in your belly! (And if you add liquor to it like a real American that’s even more.) Why waste those calories on eggnog when you could instead be getting those calories from eating dozens and dozens of mouthwatering Christmas cookies? Or cinnamon rolls? Or ham? I’m telling you, there are better options out there. Educate yourselves.
Never guilt-promise a present
This has happened to me many times: I receive a present from a friend who I didn’t buy a present for, and in my embarrassment, I blurt out “Oh my gosh, I forgot your present at home! I’ll bring it tomorrow, I promise!” Don’t ever do this. Not only do you now have to go out and buy the person some crappy gift, but it’s totally obvious you’re lying.@@lol@@ Make a list of people you want to buy for and stick with it. Just because you made someone else’s list doesn’t mean they automatically have to be on yours. Unless they give you something really good.
Get over the gift cards
Buying someone a gift card sucks.@@true dat@@ It takes absolutely no thought or creativity at all. And if someone on your list asks for a gift card, that’s even worse! Do they not have hobbies or interests? If you really can’t think of anything to buy someone besides a lame gift card, then maybe you shouldn’t buy them anything at all.
Take time with your New Year’s plans
I can’t tell you how many disappointing New Year’s Eves I’ve had to suffer through in my life. I never go anywhere cool, I never have anyone to kiss, and I usually end up conking out at about 12:30. @@sniff@@Don’t let this happen to you! Plan ahead — make sure you have a party to go to or, if all else fails, have a party yourself. The New Year’s party is supposed to set the precedent for all subsequent parties that year. You want to start off with a bang (preferably from some fireworks), not a snore (literal or otherwise).
Brown: Simple suggestions to escape the holiday blues
Daily Emerald
November 30, 2011
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