With the school year just beginning, it’s almost hard to imagine there is a thriving pop culture industry continuously producing new forms of entertainment. For the students who use this entertainment as a way to escape the seemingly constant pressure of college, here is a preview of the three biggest titles to be released this term in music, television, video games and movies.
Oct. 24 — “Take Care” by Drake
The ex-child actor, who first turned heads by playing the wheelchair-bound Jimmy Brooks on the teen-driven drama “Degrassi: The Next Generation,” is now enjoying a much more successful career as one of American hip-hop’s top acts. His second album will be released on his birthday this year, and after last year’s “Thank Me Later” debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 — and has since gone platinum — expectations are high.
Oct. 24 — “Mylo Xyloto” by Coldplay
Coldplay will release their fifth album on Oct. 24 as well. The band hasn’t released an album since 2008, when their huge single “Viva La Vida” won award after award. The band has been working on this album since 2009, shortly after concluding their Viva La Vida Tour.@@http://www.amazon.com/Viva-Vida-Coldplay/dp/B000RPTQ1C@@
Oct. 28 — “Ceremonials” by Florence + the Machine
After an impressive debut album titled “Lungs,” the English indie-pop band Florence + the Machine brings us “Ceremonials” in October. With two singles already released and getting airplay across the country, the band of “Dog Days Are Over” fame, led by the moving vocals of Florence Welch, is hoping to keep audiences encapsulated in its music with heartfelt rhythms.@@http://florenceandthemachine.net/@@
Currently airing — “Glee”
Everyone’s guilty pleasure, “Glee” has returned to its slushy-throwing and musical-number ways. Jane Lynch will try to reclaim the Emmy she won a year ago after Julie Bowen from Modern Family took the title this year. After the “Gleeks” lost in Nationals last season, it’s a safe bet Mckinley High School’s Show Choir team will be looking to head back this year.
Currently airing — “Modern Family”
After becoming the new Emmy front-runner over NBC’s successful “30 Rock,” the large and dysfunctional Dunphy family has returned to the small screen. The show boasts an impressive six-time Emmy-nominated cast, three of them being winners in Julie Bowen, Eric Stonestreet and avid Oregon Duck fan Ty Burrell.@@http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=modern+family+casy&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#hl=en&safe=off&client=safari&rls=en&sa=X&ei=MTaGTrLCOZTZiAKe14XXDA&ved=0CCMQvwUoAQ&q=modern+family+cast&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=5b3846bb372396b3&biw=1121&bih=599@@
Oct. 2 — “Dexter”
The most-viewed show in premium cable channel Showtime’s history, Dexter Morgan, “everyone’s favorite vigilante serial killer,” and the rest of the Miami Metro Police Department will be back on Oct. 2. In interviews with IGN.com, many cast members have spoken out about this year’s season, steeped in religious cults and Dexter’s personal faith, being the darkest yet.
Video games
Released — “Fifa ’12”
Electronic Arts’ Fifa franchise is slowly becoming as popular with college kids as EA’s other successful franchise, Madden. With its addictive gameplay, easy-to-learn multiplayer mode and numerous online tournaments players can join, Fifa is hitting the pitch harder than ever.
Nov. 8 — “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3”
After “Call of Duty: Black Ops” became one of the fastest-selling games of all time, a lot of buzz and excitement is circling this upcoming release from Activision. Known for its highly sophisticated and addictive online game play, Modern Warfare 3 is sure to be one of the season’s biggest sellers.
Nov. 20 — “The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword”
Nintendo fans can finally take a breath as one of the all-time most recognizable video game franchises returns on Nov. 20. With 50 to 100 hours of gameplay confirmed and an impressive demo at this year’s Electronic Entertainment Exposition, Nintendo’s second mascot looks ready to make his heroic return.
Nov. 18 — “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1”
Twilight is the only film with the potential to take down Harry Potter as the highest-grossing film of the year. The love triangle between Bella, Edward and Jacob takes the first of two parts for the epic conclusion to the romance fantasy that has captured the hearts of millions around the world.
Dec. 21 — “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”
Already with three successful Swedish films, Steig Larsson’s successful Millennium book trilogy is going to have an American film adaptation. David Fincher, who is currently riding the success of his last film “The Social Network,” takes the reins and Daniel Craig is the star.
Dec. 28 — “War Horse”
After a three-year hiatus, Hollywood’s most recognizable director, Steven Spielberg, brings us two films this winter in “The Adventures of Tintin,” an animated adventure film based on the children’s book of the same name, and the live-action “War Horse.” Horse, the story of a stallion traversing across battles during World War I, is notable because the director has had past success with war films (notably “Schindler’s List” and “Saving Private Ryan”), giving the film serious Oscar buzz.
The Emerald’s comprehensive fall pop culture preview
Daily Emerald
October 4, 2011
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