A man was arrested for a DUII by Eugene police after striking a parked vehicle caused him to flip his SUV at approximately 2:30 a.m. on Sunday Oct. 30, 2011. Eugene Police Department patrol officers who were on hand cited intoxication as the main culprit behind the accident, which caused the area between between 7th and 8th Street on Olive Street to be blocked off for over an hour. No one was seriously injured in the accident as tow trucks were called in to move the vehicles and clean up broken glass and other debris.
Tow truck operator Duane Umbarger walks towards a flipped Honda CRV at 3:07 a.m. on Oct. 30, 2011. The vehicle’s driver struck a red Honda Civic (right) causing the CRV to tip, according to police. (Aaron Marineau/Oregon Daily Emerald)
Tow truck operator Nick Brown attempts to adjust the smashed steering wheel of a Honda CRV that flipped after striking a parked vehicle in downtown Eugene. (Aaron Marineau/Oregon Daily Emerald)
The vehicle’s driver, whose name was not released by EPD officers, talks to his friend before being taken off to jail after being arrested for a DUII on Halloween weekend. (Aaron Marineau/Oregon Daily Emerald)
A green Honda CRV lies flipped on 7th and Olive Street at 2:51 a.m. on Oct. 30, 2011. Eugene Police Department patrol officers secured the scene, rounding up witnesses and eventually taking the vehicle’s driver into custody for a DUII. (Aaron Marineau/Oregon Daily Emerald)