The Register Guard talks about recent gang activity
On Friday, September 23 at 4:15 p.m., the Eugene Police Department received a tip that four young street gang members were driving around Trainsong Park with a handgun. It was determined that these members of the South Side Play Boy Sureno Trece gang had attempted to shoot several members of the West Side Piru gang. However, due to gun malfunction, the attack was prevented.
After the investigation into this incident, EPD discovered a conspiracy to retaliate from the West Side Piru gang, targeting members who live in the Churchill Village area. EPD was able to prevent these shootings and are now working to ensure future shootings are thwarted. Aside from going door-to-door to notify residents in the area, police are also increasing patrols to help ensure safety to all residents.
Eugene and Springfield School District Lawsuits
An $18.6 million lawsuit has been filed against the Eugene and Springfield school districts by a former Sheldon High School student who was a victim of sexual abuse from a Springfield Middle School teacher and past Sheldon cross-country coach. Chad Gerald Schacht, 41, was sentenced for five years in prison after pleading guilty to seven counts of second-degree sexual abuse of a 15-year-old girl.
The suit alleges that the school districts did not protect the girl from harm. It was filed by the girls legal guardian. The districts are stil in the process of reviewing the lawsuit and have no yet publicly commented.
Springfield Vandalism
Vandals in Springfield have sprayed graffiti on six different churches in the past week. Words like “Jedi,” “CEO,” and “NOS” have been written on walls in black and white spray paint. The Springfield Police are currently asking people to help catch the vandals.
Kilcullen name addition to Memorial
Officer Chris Kilcullens’ name has been added to the Oregon Fallen Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Salem. Members of the Board on Public Safety Standards and Training unanimously voted to add Kilcullen earlier this week. The memorial lists all 172 officers that have fallen in the line of duty according to the Oregon Public Safety Academy.