Global warming skeptic reverses his stance
Richard Muller,@@ a physicist and global warming skeptic, has changed his stance. After performing a study funded in part by the Koch brothers, he has made a major reversal to acknowledge the legitimacy of global warming.
Free Candy!
A category in itself.
‘Foreclosure mill’ mocks down-on-their-luck homeowners
On Friday, photos surfaced of a Halloween party thrown last year by the law firm of Steven J. Baum, @@checked@@located near Buffalo, N.Y., that represents banks when they attempt to foreclose on and evict homeowners. At the party, employees dressed as homeless people, holding bottles of liquor as well as signs with phrases like “3rd party squatter. I lost my home and I was never served.” A gross lack of tact from a firm that does enough to hurt homeowners.
20-year Harvard University survey shows tanning bed use leads to skin cancer
Um, duh. @@checked@@Thanks, Harvard, for wasting everyone’s time.
This Week in Thumbs: Halloween candy, lawyers
Daily Emerald
October 30, 2011
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