The Oregon Court of Appeals Thursday overturned a 1991 decision to ban concealed weapons on Oregon University System campuses. It was found to be in direct violation of the law that states only legislation has the right to regulate the use of firearms. The ASUO immediately made it clear that they were going to appeal this decision.
“We are planning on very strongly advocating that the University take a stand against this,” Andrew Rogers, the ASUO communications director said.
The concealed weapons ban has been an issue for many years, most recently at Western Oregon University in February of 2009. There, a former marine carried a concealed weapon on campus for protection, but was arrested and cited for it. He fought the citation and later the charges were dropped. In June of 2009, 34 Oregon legislators asked OUS to lift the ban.
Rogers said that the ASUO hopes to work with the university administration and OUS in fighting the court’s decision.
“We believe that students have a right to learn in a safe environment,” Ben Eckstein, ASUO President, said. “Weapons threaten our campus. Last year 80% of voting students did not want an armed police force. I sincerely doubt students will want other students and faculty armed on campus.”
Campus concealed weapons ban overturned for OUS
Becky Metrick
September 28, 2011
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