PORTLAND, OR — In a special meeting today, the State Board of Higher Education unanimously appointed Robert Berdahl as interim University president.
OUS Chancellor George Pernsteiner voiced his confidence in Berdahl’s ability to serve as the interim and keep the forward progress of the University in motion while also fostering an honest and open relationship with the board and other university presidents.
“I am filled with gratitude to the faculty and staff for the confidence you have expressed in me,” Berdahl said in a letter to the University community. “It will be difficult to meet the high expectations you have set for me or to provide the quality of leadership provided by President Lariviere, but I will commit to you that I will do my best.”
The open session began with remarks from Oregon University System (OUS) Chancellor George Pernsteiner on the search process for a permanent replacement president as well as his recommendation for interim president.
“I am recommending you (the board) appoint Dr. Robert Berdahl as the interim president for the Unversity of Oregon,” Pernsteiner said. “Berdhal has a long and very distinguished career in higher education.”
Pernsteiner also authorized the commencement of the search for a permanent replacement and also recommends the board to appoint board member Allyn Ford as the chair of the presidential search committee.
The board then went into open discussion to review Pernsteiner’s recommendation of Berdahl. Members of the board deliberated on Berdahl’s candidacy, each having comments on how they felt he will succesfully fulfill the duties of interim president.
“I find Berdhal uniquely qualified, and his credentials are impeccable,” Board President Matthew Donegan said. “He can help grow the University’s reputation for excellence.”
Several board members had the opportunity to speak with Berdhal over the past week. Although many of the conversations were fairly short, due to Berdhal being out of state this week, the members all felt impressed by their discussions with him.
“He understands the importance of an open and honest relationship with the Board,” David Yaden said.
Yaden was among those who received an impromptu phone call from Berdahl earlier today. Yaden said he is excited to work with Berdahl.
“I’m pleased and honored that the board sees fit to extend this offer to me, I think we have a lot of work ahead of us and I look forward to working with the board and the chancellor,” Said Berdahl in a conference call. “My primary function will be to establish a candid and constructive working relationship with the chancellor, governor and board.”
Many questioned Berdahl’s ability to work alongside the board after he condemned the board and their actions in an editorial published in the Register Guard Nov. 28, but he insists that he is committed to an open and honest relationship with the Chancellor and the board.
Berdahl also expressed his interest in empowering the campus community and getting the voices of students, staff and faculty heard at the state level.
“What we have to remember is that the faculty and the students are the University, not its administration, not its board,” Berdahl said. “It is the quality of the students and the quality of the faculty that define the quality of the University.”