(Raquel Ortega/Emerald)
Not sure what you’re looking at? This is the third of a three-part series on ASUO elections. To learn more about student government at the UO, click here for part one. If you’re already familiar, but want to brush up on this year’s election process, click here for part two.
If you’re bummed about Oregon’s belated presidential primary date (May 17), there’s another way you can exercise your right to vote, and it’s just a week away.
Campaigns for next year’s UO student government kicked off this week in preparation for the April 4-8 voting period on DuckWeb. This year’s slates for the ASUO executive and senate are I’m with UO, Duck Squad and One Oregon. If you’re unfamiliar with how ASUO elections work at UO, read this explainer post first. Otherwise, here’s a list of candidates seeking seats on next year’s student government.
Quinn Haaga, PresidentStudent government experience: ASUO Senate vice president, and vice-chair of the senate’s programs finance committee.Other affiliations: co-development coordinator for Camp Kesem, Environmental Leadership program, member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and vice president of accountability for the Panhellenic Executive Council.Twitter: @astoldbyqMajor: Planning, Public Policy and Management.
Natalie Fisher, External VPStudent government experience: ASUO Senator and vice-chair of the PFC.Other affiliations: President of Chi Omega, Wayne Morse Scholars Program member, the Fraternity and Sorority Life Sexual Assault Awareness Task Force, former delegate of Sexual Violence Prevention and Leadership Board.Twitter: @rehsifeilatanMajor: Political Science and Sociology
Zach Lusby, Internal VPStudent government experience: ASUO senatorOther affiliations: Content editor of Siren Magazine, member of Delta Tau Delta, former member of the Sexual Violence Prevention and Education board, former co-chair of UO Students for Choice.Twitter: @zachlassenMajor: English
One Oregon
Zachary Rentschler, President Student government experience: ASUO senator, former executive appointee to the senate’s departments finance committee.Other affiliations: member of Delta Upsilon, Oregon Student Association.Twitter: @zachrentschlerMajor: Spanish, French, Political Science, Journalism.
Tori Ganahl, External VP Student government experience: NoneOther affiliations: Panhellenic Council president, former president of Delta Gamma.Twitter: @toriann6321 Major: Journalism
Adam Sharf, Internal VP Student government experience: member of the Student Recreation Center Advisory Board.Other affiliations: VP of recruitment for the Interfraternity Council.Twitter: @AdamSharf18 Major: Political Science
Duck Squad
Samara Mokaya, President Student government experience: NoneOther affiliations: Member of the Student Orientation Staff, Black Student Union, outreach coordinator at the multicultural center.Major: Political Science
Sophie Albanis, External VPStudent government experience: ASUO Executive’s sexual and mental health advocate.Other affiliations: Former Editor in Chief and current managing editor of Siren Magazine, student representative on the UO’s committee on gender and sex-based violence.Major: Women’s and Gender Studies
Abel Cerros, Internal VPStudent government experience: ASUO senator, 2014-2015 student representative on UO faculty senate.Other affiliations: MEChA, co-director of Coalition Against Environmental Racism.Major: Ethnic Studies
Senate*Seat 1, Programs Finance Committee
Julia McInnis, I’m with UOMartin Martinez, Duck Squad Abdullah Alshobiky, One Oregon
Seat 2, Programs Finance Committee
Jordan Allison, I’m with UO Mickey Swartz, Duck SquadLauren Horner, One Oregon
Seat 4, EMU Board
Madison Moskowitz, I’m with UORita Jia, Duck SquadChristine Lu, One Oregon
Seat 5, EMU Board
Erika Goto, I’m with UOMaxine David, Duck SquadBrendan Carey, One Oregon
Seat 6, EMU Board
Tess Mor, I’m with UOJason Kim, Duck SquadDrew Williams, One Oregon
Seat 7, Athletics and Contracts Finance Committee
Keegan WIlliams-Thomas, I’m with UORichard Lopez, Duck SquadAlex Reasoner, One Oregon
Seat 9, Departments Finance Committee
Hassan Almumen, I’m with UOMay Saechao, Duck SquadCamila Merlo Flores, One Oregon
Seat 11, Journalism
Blair Barnes, I’m with UOMichelle Nguyen, Duck SquadJake Smith, One Oregon
Seat 12, English, History, Language
Lisa Smith, I’m with UOLeo Zhong, Duck SquadSara Golestaneh, One Oregon
Seat 13, Music, Art, Public Policy
Lauren Young, I’m with UOAdrion Trujillo, Duck SquadHiro Nukaga, One Oregon
Seat 14, Business
Emily Huang, I’m with UOClarice Beasley, Duck SquadColin Petitt, One Oregon
Seat 16, Life Sciences
Hao Tan, I’m with UODayja Curry, Duck SquadJordan Thierry, One Oregon
Seat 17, Social Studies
Pablo Alvarez, I’m with UOJuly Ramirez, Duck SquadMargaret Butler, One Oregon
Seat 18, Physical and Computer Sciences
Blair Toy, I’m with UORachel David, Duck SquadEdward Szczepanski, One Oregon
Seat 20, Education and Undeclared
Ellie Holschler, I’m with UOMay Dinh, Duck SquadMikayla Rowe, One Oregon
Seat 22, Graduate Arts & Humanities
Aaron Porter, Duck SquadTerra Wheeler, One Oregon
Seat 23, Law and Sciences
Mike Francisco, I’m with UOAwab Rawi, One Oregon
Committees at-largeACFC at-large
I’m with UO Maddie Moore, Morgan Krakow, Ben Brown (2-year)
Duck Squad Nicki Zavoshy, Talisha Jackson (2-year)
One OregonSolomon Greenwald, Yuri D’Agosto, Henry Korman
PFC at-large
I’m with UO Claudia-Rose Mehranbod and Luci Charlton
Duck Squad Leonardo Perez, Nhu Le, Anna Hoffer
One Oregon Cherry Ni and Emily Pearson
DFC at-large
I’m with UO Janelle Bond and Pen Gou
Duck Squad Gabrielle de Pena
One Oregon Nicole Leisy and Olivia Anderson
EMU at-large (one and two-year seats)
I’m with UO Adrianna Roberts, Emily McAlindin, Alex Pear, Sammi Wong
Duck Squad Justin Cheung, Amber Erkan, Jackie Mayorga, Kiara Kashuba
One Oregon Jasmine Asadi, Olivia Onustock, Josie Kissinger, Ben Barna
Student Recreation Center Advisory Board
I’m with UO Peri Langlois, Rachael Wallace, Rachel Wilson
Duck SquadDelbar Efhad, Ariston Mokaya, Priscilla Cardenas
One Oregon Claire Bange and Trevor Lan
Associated Students Presidential Advisory Council
I’m with UO Rachel Benner
Duck SquadSierra Jager
One Oregon Mikkel Hendison
Student Planning and Construction Committee
I’m with UO Woo-Rim Lee
Duck SquadMax Jensen
One Oregon Allison Bruno
Note: Abel Cerros is the chief of the Emerald’s bike delivery crew. He is not involved with editorial operations at Emerald Media Group. Follow Dahlia Bazzaz on Twitter: @dahliabazzaz.