In its first meeting of Winter term, Senate voted to table The Students of the Indians Subcontinent’s $15,000 request that would have brought Indian-American comedian Hasan Minhaj to its culture night. SIS’s plan is to book Minhaj, known for his role as Senior Correspondent on The Daily Show, to accompany other performers at …
We went to the ASUO meeting and here is the recap:
After an unprecedented presidential election and a tumultuous night of protests on campus, ASUO decided to keep the meeting short and focus only on financial business at hand.
5 groups requested funding or money transfers from ASUO. All of the groups were granted funding.
The University of Oregon Rotaract Club requested $250 to be moved from Food for Community Outreach to Food for Induction Ceremony. “We are moving money from a line item that is for food which we don’t use, to food for the induction ceremony that we have for all new members,” the Rotaract club application said. “A lot of freshman joined the club this year, so we need more money then expected to cover the costs.” The Rotaract Club’s funding was grantedDivisi requested $900 for out of state travel. The acapella group is planning on going to Berkeley, California for a performance in the West Coast A Capella festival. “We are one of 2 groups from Oregon that has been invited to perform and we are very excited,” the group’s application for funding said. “We will be using this money to stay at hotels. We have gone the last couple of years without requesting any money from ASUO for homestays. This year the way they organized it the only way to go is if we have hotel rooms.” After performing a song for the senators, Divisi’s funding request was approved.The UO Chess Club requested a transfer of $170 from their tournament budget to their equipment budget. The UO Chess Club’s request was approved and the money will be used to purchase different items that they say will help them hold better tournaments and have the tournaments meet the guidelines of the US Chess Federation’s Rules of Chess more adequately.Oregon Life requested $1729.80 for upcoming retreats the group is planning. $500 of the total amount would go towards food and the rest would cover the costs of the retreat. “The money will be used for Oregon Life Annual Retreat,” the application for funding stated. “This event offers Oregon Life a good opportunity to enhance the cultural and physical development of students.” After Senate President Max Burns voiced favor of the request, the senate voted to approve the funds for Oregon Life.Envision Journalism requested $210 for pizza for their first publication launch. The food will be free for all who attend. Envision Journalism’s request was approved after conversation about if the funds could be made available in time for the event on Thursday, Nov. 10.
The meeting was adjourned directly after financial business was finished.