Welcome back to Wednesday’s Senate meeting – We went to the meeting, so you didn’t have to. Lane Districts Transportation refused to let students ride the bus due to confusion with the new ID cards. The six senators, under the leadership of senate president Ednaly Jimenez-Gomez, held a 30-minute meeting …
We went to the ASUO meeting last night! Here is what happened.
ASUO approved three new positions for various roles within the organization.
Michael Lantz is a graduate student at UO Law School and was appointed unanimously to ASUO Constitutional Court position. “Restraint and discretion are key. This realization, in addition to my experience, is what will make me a useful addition to the Constitutional Court,” Lantz said.
Lucy Ohlsen is a graduate student at UO Law School and was appointed unanimously to the role of Associate Justice on the ASUO Constitutional court.
In her application to ASUO, Ohlsen stated, “I recognize the importance of the student government, and I want to be a part in making it efficient, effective, honest and accountable to the entire university community. I am qualified for this role because of my academic background in political science and law, as well as my professional experience in government and journalism.”
Vicki Gimm was appointed to senate position 1, despite a contentious discussion regarding her personal demeanor and how she works with others in the organizations that she has been a part of. Many senators applauded Gimm’s efforts and accomplishments at UO while others called out past statements she has made on social media and in person about various ASUO members.
Gimm noted that the senate body is comprised of mostly different members than last year and the comments she made previously were in reference to the lack of effort of the previous ASUO body. Gimm wants to work in actively improving ASUO for this year and creating a more fiscally responsible organization.
“I do have higher hopes for this year,” Gimm said. “I want to encourage a different environment here at senate.”
ASUO also approved funding requests from a few student organizations.
SELF, the sport and entertainment law forum, was requesting $3,400 for transportation to the Tulane Football Negotiation Competition. Tulane invited SELF and UO Law Center to send two teams to the conference in New Orleans. The event is supposed to be a way for students in the organizations to network with notable individuals and other schools across the country. Senate passed the funding request with the newly appointed Gimm being the only “nay” vote.Ahiru Daiko, the Taiko Ensemble at UO, requested $2,000 from surplus to help pay for storage and repair of equipment. $1,500 of the requested amount will go towards storage specifically. The remaining $500 will pay for current equipment repairs. The request was passed unanimously by ASUO.
After last week’s eventful senate meeting, this week was more subdued. ASUO finished the evening by having appointed three positions and granting a total of $5,400 for two organizations.