With the new year came new laws that went into effect.
Here is a break down:
Oregon is the 4th state to require paid sick leave:
Behind California, Massachusetts and Connecticut, Senate Bill 454 requires companies with 10 or more workers to provide up to 40 hours of paid sick leave every year.
Wage transparency law:
House Bill 2007 protects employees who inquire about, discuss or disclose any information about their wages.
“Ban the Box” law (House Bill 3025):
In 2015, Oregon, Georgia, New York, Ohio, Vermont and Virginia all passed a law that prevents employers from asking about a job applicant’s criminal history on an application form or prior to conducting an interview. California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico and Rhode Island have already implemented it.
Domestic Worker Rights:
Senate Bill 552 means that domestic workers will receive overtime pay, periods of rest, paid vacation time and freedom from harassment.
Personal injury protection guarantee:
Senate Bill 411 ensures that people with auto insurance can get the full amount of uninsured motorist coverage (and underinsured coverage) if they are injured by an at-fault, uninsured driver. This applies to those with insurance policies issued or renewed after Jan. 2. In order to get full coverage, consumers must contact their auto insurance providers and say they want all of their auto policies renewed or reissued.
“New Motor Voter” law:
House Bill 2177 ensures every eligible voter receives a ballot.
Expanding access to birth control in the state:
House Bill 2879 gives pharmacists the ability to prescribe birth control, so women will no longer have to visit their doctors to receive contraceptive prescriptions.
House Bill 3343 requires insurance companies to cover a full year of birth control.
Guns out of the hands of domestic abusers:
Senate Bill 525 was passed in alignment with the federal Violence Against Women Act.
Reduction of the carbon intensity of transportation:
Senate Bill 324 aims to create cleaner air, fewer emissions of greenhouse gases and the development of a homegrown alternative fuels industry. It aims to reduce carbon intensity by 10 percent over the next 10 years.
Protect college students from unfair fees:
House Bill 2832 protects college students from unfair fees, requiring all contracts between public universities and third-party institutions that disburse student aid money to comply with federal consumer protection guidelines. The new law prohibits transaction fees, inactivity fees and revenue-sharing policies in an effort to lessen the financial burden on students.
New year, new state laws
Lauren Garetto
January 2, 2016
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