I’d like to give my thanks for your nicely written article on our sidewalk companion, Hatoon, who passed away Tuesday. I know I am not alone when I say I will truly miss her unique and often astute perspective on the complicated environment around her. I’m glad that the Emerald commemorated this loss for our University community.
That said, I am a bit dismayed at the image choice for this front page article. The scene showing Hatoon’s clothing strewn about the cement with the vehicle in the background was insensitive and ignorant of the dignity present in Hatoon’s life.
The photo itself certainly has journalistic impact and would-be poignancy. But in remembrance of Hatoon — my enigmatic friend who left bright pink lipstick kisses on each dollar bill she used, who loved children and sparkly hair ribbons, and who once helped me save a baby squirrel that had fallen from her tree — I would like the image we use to remember her to be positive and affirmative.
I’m proud of the tolerance, appreciation and love our community (and the Emerald) is showing for a person like Hatoon.
Emily Rogers
University Bookstore employee
Fine Arts Major