So, who’s getting JUICED for baseball season?
I know I’m PUMPED for it.
My eagerness is SWELLING as opening day approaches when the defending champion Boston Red Sox take on their bitter rivals, the New York Yankees, on Sunday.
Baseball season always INJECTS happiness into my spring and summer, and I’m going to have to really FLEX MY MUSCLES — my intellectual ones — to get through the term with the many distractions that the grand ole game brings.
We can only hope for another great season, and hopefully we don’t get RIPPED off.
It’s unCLEAR who THE CREAM of the crop will be this season, but it will be interesting
to watch.
No way, JOSE. I can’t lie to you.
The game of professional baseball is in crisis, and steroids are the problem.
Whether they admit it or not, the size of players, statistics and player testimony seem to point toward the opinion that some baseball players have been using steroids for a long time.
Players were called to testify before the House Government Reform Committee, who is investigating penalty procedures that baseball has for those who test positive for steroids.
At the hearings, Mark McGwire pleaded the fifth and looked all but guilty in the court of public opinion. The former single-season home run leader not only refused to deny any of the allegations, he refused to talk about anything in the past — at all.
This from the supposed savior of baseball after the strike in 1994 that made the hearts of baseball fans sink.
But he did make room to jab at Jose Canseco, who said that he had injected
McGwire with steroids while they were teammates on the Oakland A’s. He said prosecutors could depend on Canseco’s testimony if they wanted to use information from
“convicted criminals who would do or say
anything to solve their own problems.”
But Canseco did say one thing during the testimony that I did agree with: Baseball can’t be relied on to police itself in this situation.
How can a professional baseball league that has more than enough money to get the top drug-testing supplies available not have caught the problem?
Test these guys and clean up baseball for goodness sake.
Steroids have tainted the game, and as a baseball fan who came out of the womb watching the sport, it really is a sad time.
To think that players I watched and emulated while I was growing up are cheaters makes me absolutely sick.
Professional baseball has been played for well over 100 years, and it’s amazing that some players nowadays have the nerve to drag the game’s integrity through the dirt.
So with the season just around the corner, baseball is down to its last strike to rectify the game that I and millions of others have loved their entire lives.
Pro baseball steroid usage has tarnished sport, players
Daily Emerald
March 28, 2005
Seventh inning stretch
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