Brian Cappy
Age: 20
Major: Biology
Home town: Bend, Ore.
Year in school: Sophomore
Emerald: Please summarize your platform.
Cappy: Basically, what I’m going to look for is to try and find the common ground between all the senators and the students and listen to the students’ voice to try and appropriately allocate fees to where — more towards where the common student voice is coming from, more or less than just what the senators, kind of, feel. In a sense, I’m trying to say, we need to listen to the students more — we need to listen to the student body more. I think renters’ rights are extremely important and a hot topic. Textbook prices need to be looked at. And I’m a pretty big fan of a tuition freeze.
Emerald: What qualifies you to run for this position?
Cappy: I’m a person who can speak when I need to, but I feel that I’m a better listener. I think God loves all people. I’m an extremely open-minded person who’s open to new ideas. I’m definitely not afraid to work hard. And I think I’m kind of a people-person.
Emerald: In light of the ASUO retreat to Sunriver, Ore., what is the best way to ensure proper accountability from student leaders next year?
Cappy: That rests 100 percent on the students’ shoulders that were there. You know, we may not know it all, but we have to be accountable for our own actions. And, I mean, if people want to go out and smoke and drink, that’s fine, but do it on your own time with your own money.
Emerald: Should the Senate be dealing with any other issues that it is not currently attending to? If so, what are they?
Cappy: I’d actually like them to look more toward the availability of DPS and APS. I don’t know how much they’re looking at that. I know that was a hot topic when they went on strike. But I’m not sure what the deal is with the funds for that, where they’re coming from, how much is allocated to DPS and APS. I’ve been talking with people. I know that a lot of people can’t get a ride when they need one, and that’s important.
Emerald: Are there any other issues that you’d like to talk about?
Cappy: I’d like to continue talking about equality issues. I know that was a super-hot topic a couple weeks ago, a couple months ago. Equality, diversity and I think that thing, that Sunriver retreat, what happened down there, needs to be, I mean, I know no one’s going to completely forget about it, but it needs to be completely put behind the Senate. The Senate and the student body and the faculty need to move on. It’s over and done with.