Tyler Bushnell
Age: 21
Major: Political Science
Hometown: Lafayette, California
Year: Junior
Emerald: What is your platform summary?
Bushnell: My platform summary is affordability. I’m seeking to bridge the gap between in-state and out-of-state tuition. Affordability is something that seems to come up quite a bit yet whether any action is taken can be pretty limited and I know that through this position I can have access to administrators and through a lot of vigor and energy perhaps make a really strong difference.
Emerald: What is your background or what qualifies you for this position?
Bushnell: Well I’m incredibly competent. I carry a 3.7 GPA and I have a lot of energy and tenacity when I do things, and I feel like a position like this will give me an opportunity to really challenge myself and really see what I can get done in a limited amount of time.
Emerald: Why do you want the job?
Bushnell: I want the job because I feel like it’s a great opportunity to be in a leadership position. I haven’t had a leadership position before outside of athletics so I feel like this a time for me to really shine and make the most of the opportunity.
Emerald: In light of the ASUO retreat to Sunriver, what is the proper way to ensure accountability for student leaders next year?
Bushnell: I think student leaders need to keep each other accountable rather than have administrators set down laws. I think that comes from a close relationship with working members of the ASUO. I think it’s integral that they work together closely and keep each other accountable rather than having it come from top to bottom.
Emerald: What student issues do you feel are important for ASUO president to address in the coming year?
Bushnell: As I said before: affordability. We are all young and embarking on many new journeys in our lives and I feel like tuition and outrageous textbook prices aren’t something that students should be thinking about when there are so many other things in their lives that should be taking priority other then how am I going to pay my bills and my tuition and anything else.
Transcript: Tyler Bushnell – Candidate for Associated Students Presidential Advisory Council
Daily Emerald
April 3, 2005
Tyler Bushnell – Candidate for Associated Students Presidential Advisory Council
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