Campus radio station KWAX-FM deserves financial support. I try to give it within my limits. I also am willing to tolerate on-the-air fundraising necessary to keep it afloat.
Less tolerable is the chatter I heard one afternoon about how the station’s format changed years ago to full-time classical music. It was hard to accept the pro-classics comments (which I share) of the two male voices whose on-the-air persona, I feel, reveals that neither may know nor care much about classical music. Listeners continue to enjoy the music despite the anachronism of these two male announcers not in tune with
the classics.
Their recall of times distant past did remind me of the one area in which KWAX remains inadequate
today. Its absence of any public affairs broadcasting ignores the major resource it has of faculty specialists who could comment authoritatively about global and national developments. The music would be enhanced, not hurt, by a brief hour daily — or maybe just on weekends — during which campus experts could be tapped for valuable insights.
George Beres