Astrology has long been a fascination for people because it involves a world beyond what many can imagine.
Those who don’t understand it or its draw often confuse it with astronomy. So what exactly is the difference?
“Astrology is really based in looking for ways to understand seasons and cycles on earth by understanding seasons and cycles within our solar system,” said Kevin Leinbach, a retired astrologer who established the company Esther and Son with his mother, in Eugene. “Astrology relies on thousands of years of observations of how planetary motion in our solar system corresponds to human activities.”
The study of human behavior could be the reason some people find astrology so interesting.
“I loved how people have similar tendencies and you can tell so much about how someone will interact with you simply based on where they were born,” junior Megan Russell-Erlich said.
While some may use astrology to understand more about their personalities, others use it to predict outcomes and possibly avoid events.
“The general belief, I think, is that astrology is a way to ‘predict the future,’” Leinbach said. “I don’t use astrology as a ‘predictive’ tool but more as way of understanding what is actually happening.”
Leinbach said astrology can help people understand patterns of human behavior, but that free will will always help shape the future.
“While I believe that we can use astrology to understand ‘trends’ that are likely be factors in events, human behavior will constantly surprise us and lead to unforeseen outcomes,” he said.
Working as an astrologist from 1992-2002, Leinbach has helped clients to understand their difficult situations.
“Using astrology, it is possible
to very quickly identify the likely
archetypal energies that are in play,” he said. “If a client can begin to understand what specific actions or belief patterns are underlying
a particular situation, they can
begin to find ways to make different choices and change the course of their lives.”
There are many ways to learn
about astrology. Leinbach advises that people begin by working with their own horoscope and chart before working with others.
Russell-Erlich shared similar
“Check out ‘The Weekly’
horoscopes … You may find
something interesting about yourself out in the process,” she said. “Cut out the horoscopes you find personally relevant and write a little bit about why. Keep them in a journal and look back over your year like that. It is really a useful way to journal.”
Rachel Lee is a freelance reporter for the Daily Emerald