Commentary writer should write what she knows
In response to Miss Feth’s “Riots reveal political neglect,” ODE, Nov. 9: To someone like me, born and raised in France, who has lived in the Middle East, whose grandparents were Spanish immigrants established in Algeria for generations, your commentary piece (“Riots reveal political neglect,” ODE, Nov. 9) was a moment of pure forehead-slapping embarrassment.
Get off your high horse. Under the thin veneer of political name-dropping, it is painfully clear you are not well acquainted with the much more complex-than-you-imagine situation in France right now. “Raki” is not a French word (unless you mean “racaille”) and “they pay your taxes” shows how little you know about how the socialist system works in my country.
Write about what you know.
All your article showcases is your lack of maturity as a writer and as a researcher.
Good luck to you.
Geraldine Poizat-Newcomb
University Adjunct Assistant Professor