The Knight Library will be open 24/7 during Dead Week and Finals Week, so students looking to escape their noisy roommates and other distractions can find a safe haven anytime.
The library’s doors will remain open from 8 a.m. today until 7 p.m. on Dec. 9.
During regular hours, the best places to find quiet will most likely be on the fourth floor, Access Services Department Head Shirien Chappell said, because she often sees people sleeping in that area.
Chappell also recommends the designated quiet room on the south side of the second floor.
During regular hours, it’s usually noisy around the service desks and reference area, but because these services will not be staffed after normal business hours they may be quieter, she said.
Chappell said group-study rooms are scattered around the perimeters of the second and third floors and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Students, faculty and staff using the library during extended hours will need to show their University IDs and will not be able to check out library materials. Computers and printers in the Information Technology Center and photocopy machines will still be available.
– Emily Smith
Knight Library open 24/7 through end of the term
Daily Emerald
November 28, 2005
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