Mitchell Bard, a leading authority on Middle East politics, will be giving a speech entitled “Eyewitness to the Disengagement – Israel after Gaza: The Next Step Towards Peace” tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 182 Lillis.
An author of 17 books and an expert on the United States’ Middle East policy, Bard will lecture on recent developments in Middle East policies dealing with the Israeli-Arab conflict.
“The timing for this speech is really good,” Oregon Hillel Executive Director Hal Applebaum said. “Everyone is looking toward the Middle East and it’s at a point where they’re on the verge of a breakout of peace or on the verge of a breakout of violence. It’s a very interesting time we’re in.”
This event is hosted by the Oregon Hillel and the Jewish Student Union.
-Brittni McClenahan
Foreign policy analyst speaks about Middle East
Daily Emerald
October 31, 2005
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