A Lane Transit District driver strike is
a looming possibility that could become a reality as soon as February, union officials say. The potential for a strike has left the University community searching for ways to notify students of carpooling opportunities and
looking for parking space to accommodate the influx of cars that could result from no
bus service.
As part of ongoing negotiations between the Amalgamated Transit Union representatives and LTD officials, the two parties met Wednesday in a mediation session that ATU President Al Zullo called “worthless” in a press release. LTD and the union, which represents 80 percent of LTD workers, have been discussing the drivers’ contracts since May.
Problems in the mediation session centered on LTD’s proposed health plan and proposed break plan for drivers, LTD Service Planning and Marketing Manager Andy Vobora said.
“In the end the union was pretty much sticking with their desire to maintain a managed care plan,” Vobora said.
ATU spokesman Jason Reynolds said he
is not certain the union will strike, but “it’s probably going to come to that.”
LTD is encouraging people dependent on
the bus system to plan ahead and use the car pool sign-up on the LTD Web site, ltd.org, to
coordinate rides with other citizens, Vobora said.
University Vice President of Administration Dan Williams said in the case of a strike, parking will be available at Autzen Stadium free of charge and security will be in place to monitor vehicles and patrol the walking route between the stadium and campus.
“We’ll make it as safe and secure as we can,” Williams said.
Williams said finding ways to accommodate parking is one of the few things the University can do to mitigate the problems that may arise if a strike does occur.
“It’s not our intention to create a University of Oregon bus service to replace LTD,” Williams said.
Along with the additional parking at Autzen Stadium, Assault Prevention Shuttle, a free ride service at the University, will be providing extended service around the clock for any student in need of a ride, ASUO Community and Housing Coordinator Scott Lu said.
APS will not turn anyone away, Lu said, but students are encouraged to seek other ways to get to campus
before using the service.
“The first thing folks should really look into is walking, bicycling or
carpooling,” Lu said.
Carpool information will be available on the ASUO Web site, asuo.uoregon.edu, Lu said. Vobora said LTD understands the effects a strike will have on the University and Lane Community College, but said alternative bus services to the campuses are not possible.
Vobora said LTD does have employees who are willing to cross union picket lines if asked, but those people are not enough to make up for the drivers that would strike if ATU does not accept LTD’s final contract offer.
“We have quality, professional people, and those are the people we want back on the job,” Vobora said.
The union is required to give a 10-day notice before a strike can happen, and union officials are awaiting LTD’s final contract offer.
According to an ATU press release, LTD’s final offer is expected by Feb. 1.
“The clock starts when the paperwork is filed,” Vobora said.
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