The University Many Nations Longhouse, a project 20 years in the making, is being dedicated and opened today. The project is a collaborative effort between the University and the nine federally recognized tribes of Oregon. The Many Nations Longhouse is located in the same place as the previous longhouse, near the University School of Law.
The longhouse project is a part of the Native American Initiative started by former University President Myles Brand and continued by President Dave Frohnmayer. The initiative and the longhouse are a part of the University’s commitment to the study and appreciation of American Indian culture and history.
The dedication ceremony will be at 11:30 a.m. today at the longhouse, located at 1630 Columbia St. After the public dedication and opening ceremony, there will be a salmon feast courtesy of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.
In Brief: Longhouse opens its doors today
Daily Emerald
January 10, 2005
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