A 43-year-old Eugene man was fatally shot Tuesday evening near the University’s
Westmoreland Housing complex, resulting in street closures that limited travel in the area until the early morning hours.
The Eugene Police Department has not released the names of the victim or the shooter, but EPD spokeswoman Pam
Olshanski said the shooting occurred when a 48-year-old Eugene resident encountered a 43-year-old man who had just allegedly assaulted a woman.
The 48-year-old man’s 13-year-old daughter was walking her dog near West 13th
Avenue and Garfield Street when she heard a woman screaming for her to call the police. The girl notified police and her father, the
alleged shooter, who went to the location to look for the woman and wait for police to
arrive, according to EPD reports. The unseen female calling for help had fled the scene,
but police said the father, while waiting,
encountered the 43-year-old man who
allegedly assaulted the woman.
Olshanski said she could not give details of what happened next, but a confrontation
between the men, who were both armed with handguns, left the 43-year-old dead.
Police put up road blocks when they arrived on the scene around 6 p.m., restricting traffic between West 12th Avenue, West 13th
Avenue, Garfield Street and Arthur Street.
Westmoreland Housing Area Director Frank Gaddini said he was at the apartment complex Tuesday evening but did not hear any gunshots. He later heard sirens but
didn’t find any traffic delays when he left the office to go home.
Erin Jackson, who lives at Westmoreland, said she saw a roadblock while driving south on Garfield Street. She said she didn’t hear about the shooting until Wednesday.
EPD took the shooter into custody
for questioning. No arrests had been made as of Wednesday.
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