Arrests and Citations
Thursday, March 14, 11:25 a.m.:
The Department of Public Safety cited one person for reckless endangerment while driving on the closed section
of East 13th Avenue.
Saturday, March 16, 4:45 a.m.:
DPS cited one person in Spiller Hall
for criminal trespassing after telling him earlier in the evening to leave the building.
Saturday, March 16, 8:30 a.m.:
DPS cited one person for criminal trespassing in Hamilton Complex.
Drugs and Alcohol
Monday, March 11, 12:44 a.m.:
DPS cited several people in Bean Complex for possession of less than
an ounce of marijuana.
Wednesday, March 13, 10:15 p.m.: DPS cited several people in Spiller for possession of marijuana.
Thursday, March 14, 12:23 a.m.:
DPS cited several minors in Spiller
for possession of alcohol.
Thursday, March 14, 11:39 p.m.:
DPS cited two people in DeBusk Hall
for possession of less than an ounce
of marijuana.
Saturday, March 16, 12:05 a.m.:
DPS cited several people in Hamilton for possession of alcohol in a residence hall.
Saturday, March 16, 1:31 a.m.:
DPS cited one minor for possession
of alcohol in Spiller.
Saturday, March 16, 2:18 a.m.:
DPS cited one person in Hamilton
for possession of less than an ounce
of marijuana.
Saturday, March 16, 3:28 a.m.:
DPS cited several people in Spiller
for possession of less than an ounce
of marijuana.
Thefts and Recoveries
Monday, March 11, 9:18 a.m.:
A female student in McClure Hall reported to DPS that several items
had been stolen from her room.
Tuesday, March 12, 12:39 a.m.:
DPS received a report of a burglary
in Robbins Hall.
Tuesday, March 12, 2:35 p.m.:
DPS received a report of a bicycle stolen from an undisclosed location.
Tuesday, March 12, 7:10 p.m.:
DPS received a report of theft
of University property from the Gerlinger Annex.
Thursday, March 14, 1:51 p.m.:
DPS received a report of several textbooks stolen from a room in H.P. Barnhart.
Thursday, March 14, 7:10 p.m.:
A male student told DPS that his
laptop was stolen from his locked Barnhart room.
Thursday, March 14, 10:36 p.m.:
A custodian reported to DPS a theft
of a napkin dispenser.
Friday, March 15, 5:32 p.m.: A female staff member reported that her bicycle was stolen from East 13th Avenue.
Friday, March 15, 6:32 p.m.:
DPS received a report of a bicycle stolen from the School of Music.
Friday, March 15, 10:35 p.m.:
DPS received a report of less than
$500 worth of property stolen from
a room in Boynton Hall.
Friday, March 15, 11:13 p.m.:
DPS received a report that a sign
was stolen from Walton Complex.
Saturday, March 16, 5:17 p.m.:
A male student in a visitor parking
area reported that someone broke
into his vehicle.
Disorderly Conductand Vandalism
Tuesday, March 12, 2:08 a.m.:
DPS cited several people for disorderly conduct outside Boynton Hall.
Tuesday, March 12, 2:27 a.m.:
A DPS officer observed a large number of stickers being placed on a Boynton resident’s door by a non-resident.
Tuesday, March 12, 2:27 a.m.:
A DPS officer saw a person tip furniture over in Boyton’s recreation area.
Tuesday, March 12, 3:30 a.m.:
DPS received a report of three people yelling loudly in the Barnhart halls.
Friday, March 15, 9:15 a.m.:
DPS received a report that a student broke a sign at Carson Hall’s dock.
Saturday, March 16, 3:09 a.m.:
DPS received a report that several people at the Agate Street crosswalk were disorderly and scaring people.
Saturday, March 16, 9:18 p.m.:
DPS cited one person for criminal mischief after he allegedly committed an act of vandalism in Boynton Hall.
Monday, March 11, 2:25 p.m.:
A female student reported to DPS
that a man on Kincaid Street was making unwanted advances.
Tuesday, March 12, 8:46 a.m.:
DPS asked a transient to leave campus after he was seen aggressively rummaging through
a Dumpster near Bean.
Friday, March 15, 1:26 a.m.:
DPS received a report of several intoxicated people pulling signs
out of the ground in front of Carson.
Friday, March 15, 7:24 p.m.:
DPS received a report of a man exposing himself near the intersection of Harris Street and East 18th Avenue.