The Student Union Board should be commended on its proposal to change the name of the Erb Memorial Student Union.
Just as we would like to see community government on this campus, we would like to see the University become an integrated community in other areas too. The facilities available in the Student Union are ideal for bringing together all facets of the University community.
However, we can also see several hang-ups in the name change, which should be considered before any final action is taken.
The building is supported by student money. If this is to become a community building, we suggest commitment from other areas of the University are in order to help maintain the building and its staff.
Presently SU staff salaries are paid for entirely with student money. According to former director “Si” Ellingson, many staff members spend about one-third of their time on non-student activities. In that case some financial support in this area should be supplied by groups other than students.
The other thing that bothers us is the new name itself. What is the building to be called? Erb Memorial Union is too long. “Erb” sounds like somebody had too much to drink. Memorial Union would become “MU,” which is the nickname of a similar building at “Moo U,” an institution with which we should avoid confusion.
As far as students are concerned, no matter what the building’s official name, it will probably always be the SU. In that case, it might be a good idea to substitute another word beginning with S to maintain the old nickname. Perhaps “Super” Union. Or maybe “Social” Union. With the Legislature in session, we suppose “Sexual” Union is out.
This editorial was taken from the March 8, 1967, edition of the Oregon Daily Emerald.