Alton Baker, III — Owner/publisher of The Register-Guard, one of the last family-owned newspapers in the nation whose employees do not have a union contract and whose editors do not allow space on their editorial page for opinions on the issue.
Jim Torrey — Mayor of Eugene and largely influenced by the Chamber of Commerce.
Joe Cox — Chancellor of Oregon Higher Education who has overseen reductions in the number of classified employees at all the state’s universities and encouraged an increase in managers.
Phil Knight — University alumnus whose multimillion dollar donations influenced University administration to withdraw from the student-approved Worker Rights Consortium.
Stub Stewart — Leader of the fight to keep intact a concrete cross set on Skinner’s Butte as a “war memorial” until the Supreme Court enforced the First Amendment.
John Musemeci — California developer who was part of a local consortium of businessmen and women who ran anonymous cartoon satires in The Register-Guard that attacked Lane County officials.
Alan Yordy — CEO of Sacred Heart Medical Center whose move to Springfield endangers community-owned McKenzie-Willamette Hospital, the only medical institution that still handles workers’ compensation and reproductive rights issues.
John Lively — Former mayor of Springfield who was largely responsible for Hyundai’s move to Eugene. Hyundai then gained a huge tax-incentive from the Eugene City Council, reneged on its offers to employ a high percentage of locals, destroyed wetlands, produced unabated construction run-off, and after severe lay-offs and a six-month plant closure, promises to hire back two-thirds of its former work force if they receive more tax breaks.
Bill Sizemore — Owner of a company that makes money by hiring out paid signature gatherers for ballot initiatives.
Any of the Altuckers — Owners of Eugene Sand and Gravel who tried to develop a new site in an area that was home to several long-standing family agricultural outfits. The Board of Commissioners first refused to allow them to develop the site, but a private meeting changed the mind of one of the swing-vote commissioners. One of the elder Altuckers also helped build the cross on Skinner’s Butte.
In a category of his own:
Lon Mabon — Head of the Oregon Citizens Alliance who helped place three anti-gay initiatives and one anti-abortion initiative on the ballot.
Disclaimer: This list does not necessarily represent the views of the UO Cultural Forum or any entity of the University of Oregon.
SOURCE: UO Cultural Forum
Oregon’s Top Ten Stupid White Men (in no particular order)
Daily Emerald
April 21, 2002
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