Kudos are in order to the Erb Memorial Union Board and the Ecological Design Center for their forward thinking in regard to the proposed solar panels. The project has been on the docket for nearly a year and was on hold while the logistical and aesthetic problems concerning the placement of the panels were resolved. But with the new plan to place the panels atop poles on the EMU’s south balcony, the vision for a more energy efficient power source will soon become a reality — and it’s about time.
The proposed trio of vaulted panels may not be the most aesthetically pleasing design for the EMU, it is are a good start for the building. Because the panels will be so visible — students can literally walk underneath them — the solar energy project will serve as a great educational tool for both University students and visitors.
The project started last year when ASUO allocated $100,000 from the its over-realized fund specifically for solar energy. The cost of the three panels on the EMU’s south balcony adjacent to the Skylight Lounge and an educational kiosk explaining how they work will be nearly $20,000, according to EMU Director Dusty Miller. The remaining $80,000 is earmarked solely for the solar energy project and will be used to purchase and maintain more panels.
Originally, planners wanted to put flat solar panels atop the EMU Ballroom’s roof, however, further investigation revealed the edifice was not properly reinforced to hold the weight. Thankfully, the EMU is planning to renovate various roofs to advance the solar panel project and keep the ecologically friendly master plan in mind.
The EMU should be commended for keeping the long-term benefits of solar energy in mind during its planning. Although monetary breaks on the EMU’s energy bills may not appear for some time because of fluctuating rates, it should prove lucrative in the future — especially if the EMU can sell the energy back to the Eugene Water and Electric Board.
Now, if only the sun would shine …
Let the sun shine on EMU’s new solar energy plan
Daily Emerald
April 9, 2002
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