March of Dimes to host
annual WalkAmerica
Three babies die every hour. Every two minutes, a baby is born at low birth weight. Every year, 2,500 babies are born with a birth defect of the brain or spinal cord. Every three-and-a-half minutes a baby is born with a birth defect.
We can help change these statistics. March of Dimes, a national voluntary health agency, is hosting the 32nd
annual WalkAmerica on Saturday.
More than 500 local residents will take to the streets in either a 3K or 10K walk that begins at 9 a.m. at Alton Baker Park. Those who are not yet registered can still participate by checking in for the walk at 8 a.m.
March of Dimes Southern Oregon Division Director Aimee Knabe said they anticipate raising more than $60,000 from the event.
Money raised through WalkAmerica allows the March of Dimes to improve programs in Lane County, such as research in gene therapy and prevention of premature labor; community services to help women receive prenatal care; and public education to teach women about folic acid, the B vitamin that may help prevent serious birth defects.
For more information about WalkAmerica or March of Dimes call 686-2170, or visit them on the Web at
— Lisa Toth