Voting begins on DuckWeb
Voting begins at 9 a.m. today for the 2002 ASUO general elections. Students can vote for ASUO Executive, an ASUO Programs Finance Committee member at-large seat and two ASUO Student Senate seats.
Five write-in candidates from the primary election are also on the ballot for three spots on the Student Recreation and Fitness Advisory Board.
The ballot is on DuckWeb under the student menu. From 9 to 5 p.m. today through Friday, computers will be set up for voting at the University Bookstore, the Student Recreation Center, the EMU Fishbowl and the Hamilton residence hall complex near Grab ‘N Go.
Voting closes at 5 p.m. Friday. Election results will be posted at
— Kara Cogswell
Career Fair to host
social justice organizations
Myriad environmental advocacy, political activism and humanitarian groups will search for recruits today from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the EMU Ballroom.
“The Humanity and Environment Career Fair,” organized by the University Career Center, features 46 organizations offering internships and job opportunities to college students. The employers’ specific locations can be found in the Career Fair program in the Emerald. The program also offers tips on dress and etiquette.
The Career Center recommends that if students participate, they should bring 10 to 15 copies of their most recent résumé and target four to seven companies they want to work for most. Students should begin with companies lower on their priority list at first to work out the rough edges in interviewing before talking with companies they most want to join.
More information can be found at the Career Center Web site at
— Eric Martin
UO joins Diversity and
Human Rights Consortium
The University will join nine other local agencies today as a member of the new Diversity and Human Rights Consortium.
The consortium will be officially established during a ceremony at 10:30 a.m. in Harris Hall, 125 E. Eighth Ave. Members of the new group will agree to share information and coordinate resources that advance diversity and further human rights in the Eugene area.
University President Dave Frohnmayer is scheduled to represent the University at the signing.
The Diversity and Human Rights Consortium will also be responsible for creating a culturally competent hiring selection processes, diversity initiatives and promoting access to agency complaint processes.
— John Liebhardt