The Student Senate called an emergency meeting Monday to review a special request that was approved during last Wednesday’s meeting.
The request, submitted by the Kultura Pilipinas, asked for $3,195 to host an event featuring a Filipino diplomat. The request should not have been approved, however, because it budgeted money to pay for University Catering services, which requires a separate food request.
Acting Senate President Kate Kranzush said the Kultura Pilipinas included the food expense in their special request, but because food expenses require a separate food request, the Senate assumed the money was only for other event expenses.
Kranzush said separate requests are required for food and other expenses so the Senate can be more cost effective in distributing student fees.
At Monday’s meeting, the Senate was three members short of the quorum required to act on a new request to cover food expenses.
Because University Catering required the food order to be submitted on Monday, and no action could be taken at the special Senate meeting, ASUO President Rachel Pilliod wrote an appeal that essentially allows the ASUO Executive to front the money for the event until the Senate meets again Wednesday.
If the Senate approves the appeal, the Kultura Pilipinas will receive the money necessary to fund its event. If the appeal is denied, the ASUO Executive will foot the entire bill.
Pilliod said she wrote the appeal because the Kultura Pilipinas was in a bind and has done much work to schedule the event.
— Jan Montry