Measure 14: Removes historical racial references in obsolete sections of Oregon Constitution.
Measure 15: Authorizes state to issue general obligations bonds for seismic rehabilitation of public education buildings.
Measure 16: Authorizes state to issue general obligation bonds for seismic rehabilitation of emergency services building.
Measure 17: Reduces minimum age requirement to serve as state legislator from 21 years to 18 years.
Measure 18: Allows certain tax districts to establish permanent property tax rates and divide into tax zones.
Measure 21: Revises procedure for filling judicial vacancies, electing judges; allows vote for “none of the above.”
Measure 22: Requires Oregon Supreme Court judges and Court of Appeals judges to be elected by district.
Measure 23: Creates health care finance plan for medically necessary services; creates additional income, payroll taxes.
Measure 24: Allows licensed denturists to install partial dentures; authorizes cooperative dentist-denturist business ventures.
Measure 25: Increases Oregon minimum wage to $6.90 in 2003; increases for inflation in future years.
Measure 26: Prohibits payment, receipt of payment based on the number of initiative, referendum petition signatures obtained.
Measure 27: Labeling of genetically engineered foods sold or distributed in or from Oregon.
SOURCE: Secretary of State