ASUO uses surplus
to fund special events
The ASUO Student Senate gave away $3,350 from surplus Wednesday night, leaving only $10,112 left for the rest of the term.
Four different groups appeared before the senate for special
The Hong Kong Student Association had $755 transferred from its food holding account to its food account to help finance Hong Kong Night on Sunday. The group also asked for $300 from surplus to help pay for the event, and representatives said they had already fundraised close to $1,500. After extended debate, the senate decided to honor the group’s request by a vote of 8-7.
The senate transferred $200 from the International Resource Center’s programming budget into the group’s food account. Representatives said they planned to use the money to pay for food for an awards ceremony.
The senate also transferred $91 from the Vietnamese Student Association’s fall event line item to its winter event line item. A representative for VSA made a special request for $550 from surplus to pay for the plane ticket and honorarium of a performer the group wants to bring to the University.
The University Theatre received the biggest transfer from surplus Wednesday night. The senate voted to honor the group’s special request of $2,500 to help finance the Mad Duckling children’s theater, which goes on during the summer. But senators cautioned the group that the money must be spent before July 1.
In order to help the transition of leadership, the 2003-04 senators are scheduled to attend next week’s senate meeting.
— Jennifer Bear