Dunno why I decided to blog about what a dope I am, but
today, I thought I’d talk about my guilty pleasures. Nothing too “out
there” or racy, but still, things that
make me happy that, frankly, I should probably keep to
myself. Maybe getting all of this off my chest will
be therapeutic… in a totally humiliating kind of
I love “Survivor.” Trash television at it’s best! Even
after reading recent entertainment news stories about
how truly contrived these reality shows are, I’m dying
to see the new show. Evidently, many of the people
you see in these shows are actually playing characters
and living, on the shows, at least a little bit,
outside of themselves. In fact, many of them, like
supposed used car salesman, and href=”http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor5/show/episode13/s5story.shtml”
target=”_new”>million dollar winner of href=”http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor5/”
target=”_blank”>”Survivor Thailand,” Brian Heidik,
was also an actor in the soft porn industry. Actors
playing real people? href=”http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,873088,00.asp”
target=”_blank”>How’s this work again?
target=”_blank”>”Survivor Amazon” premieres this
Thursday at 8 p.m. on CBS, and I’m horrified to admit
that, for 90 minutes next week, I’ll be gleefully
glued to the boob-tube! GO TEAM JABURU!
Okay, this one is truly horrifying, so be prepared…
I love href=”http://www.evansfood.com/porkrinds.htm”
target=”_blank”>pork rinds! Eeeeew! I know, it’s
awful isn’t it? As an aging “fat guy,” my already slow
metabolism started slowing even more around my 30th
birthday. That, and the fact that we moved away from
my mountain-biking mecca of Ashland about 18
months ago, and I haven’t put my ass on my bike since,
meant it was time for something drastic — my girth was
expanding with no end in site. What does this have to
do with deep-fried and seasoned pig skin? href=”http://atkinscenter.com/”
target=”_blank”>Atkins is the culprit. On the
Atkins diet you can’t have crackers, chips, popcorn,
or anything remotely crunchy other than bacon.
Finding simple snack food is a low carb nightmare and
damnit… I was craving something crunchy! Spicy pork
rinds dipped in blue cheese dressing are THE BOMB!
Oh my god! There is actually a story on this on href=”http://abcnews.go.com/sections/living/DailyNews/porkrinds.html”
I love role-playing video games! href=”http://nwn.bioware.com/”
target=”_new”>”Neverwinter Nights,” by Bioware, is
the spawn of all evil. It’s a totally engrossing href=”http://www.wizards.com/dnd/main.asp?x=dnd/welcome,3″
target=”_blank”>Dungeons and Dragons nerd-fest
that takes me back to my junior high basement-dwelling
days of 20-sided dice, href=”http://www.techtv.com/extendedplay/videofeatures/story/0,24330,3013475,00.
target=”_new”>Mountain Dew and microwave
burritos. The role playing games I played as a kid
have come to life on my computer screen, and I’m
absolutely giddy! My fiance may disown me because I
spend way too much time playing on my computer instead of
cleaning house, walking the dog or sleeping. I just
hope she can put up with my game-playing slackerdom
until our
target=”_blank”>wedding. Once we’re hitched,
she’ll be stuck with my nerdy ass through “Neverwinter
Nights 2″ and beyond! *insert evil laughter here*
But I’m not alone. A couple of weeks ago, we spent the
evening with two other couples around our age. After
a viewing of href=”http://www.bowlingforcolumbine.com/”
target=”_blank”>”Bowling for Columbine” at the href=”http://www.bijou-cinemas.com/”
target=”_blank”>Bijou Cinemas, we headed to the href=”http://www.wildduckbrewery.com/”
target=”_blank”>Wild Duck Brewery for drinks and
conversation. As expected, the six of us talked
target=”_blank”>Michael Moore and such for a while
and then broke off into our own conversations. It
turns out that the husband of one of my fiance’s law
school classmates is a Neverwinter-ite himself. He’s
an intelligent man — a professor here at the University who will go
unnamed — in his 30s with a wife
and home and none of the stuff you’d expect from
someone who has completed all 70 hours of “Neverwinter”
game-play and is breaking into the expansion
adventures as we speak. Our significant others
certainly had something to bond over that evening.
So there it is, I’ve laid it out for the world to see! Please don’t
less of me… I’m a pitiful and
weak human being.
Just my $0.02…
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