Back by popular demand (drum roll)… my random thoughts. OK, I’m lying. There is no demand. But I have a surplus of thoughts, so here they are. Read at your own risk:
Seattle Supersonics President Wally Walker was seen at Saturday’s Oregon-Washington game, perhaps looking for someone to replace Gary Payton, who was traded to Milwaukee last week. The Sonics are now in dire need of a point guard, and will likely have two first-round draft picks this year (including one from the Payton trade).
It seems Washington native Luke Ridnour would be a possibility to replace Payton, assuming Ridnour forgoes his senior season, but Walker had to be turned off by the Oregon point guard’s eight turnovers. It doesn’t help that Nate Robinson, the Huskies’ tiny guard (aka “Gary Coleman”) stole the spotlight…
Speaking of Rid, 62 consecutive free throws made is, uh, good. I can’t even do that in a video game on easy mode, and I’m considered (by those who know what they’re talking about) the Sinatra of Sega basketball. You wanna rumble?…
Memo to the esteemed Pit Crew: Nobody cares what you think about USC head coach Mike Bibby. Show some tact Thursday…
While I have your attention, crew members, if I give you some doughnuts (uh hum, Nate Jolly), would you pretend to like me? Or do you only accept Nike shoes as bribery?…
The new Duck, by the way, is still the worst mascot in sports and will stay that until Nike gives me free shoes…
Which will come first: Mike Bellotti starts recruiting convicted felons or Bev Smith gives her best player the boot? Oh wait, sorry…
I’ve given him a long look — and practiced a lot of patience — but Jimmy Kimmel isn’t worth missing Conan. But anybody’s better than Leno…
Let me get this straight: Dennis Erickson left Oregon State to coach in the NFL — again. While Mike Riley left the NFL to coach Oregon State — again. Both will be a bust — again. And who wants to go to Oregon State? Honestly, most high school facilities are bigger than Reser Stadium…
I want snow…
But I’d give up snow for an Oregon baseball team…
Twenty-seven days until Opening Day, Seattle vs. Oakland in Japan. Huh? Yep, the great American pastime. But I’ll take it: Baseball is baseball, and Ichiro is god…
Kobe Bryant is not god, hence not Michael Jordan or anything remotely similar. He’s just selfish (give me 45 shots, and I’ll score 40 … on Sega, in easy mode)…
Trendy: The Lukes should get tattoos on their face. Just for fun…
Did anybody else not notice that men’s tennis stud Oded Teig (career victories) and women’s track sensation Becky Holliday (pole vault) both set school records last week? That’s what I thought…
Also in the oh-I-didn’t-know-we-even-had-that-sport file, the softball team cracked the top-25 this week after more than two years of turmoil and futility. That should last for, say, 30 days, when the Ducks face their first Pac-10 opponent…
Food for thought: 10 of the Oregon men’s basketball team’s 18 wins are against teams with a losing record, plus three others vs. Florida A&M and Oregon State, who are a combined three games over .500 (shhh, don’t tell the NCAA selection committee).
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