Thefts and recoveries
The Department of Public Safety received three bike theft reports: one report from Lawrence Hall, one report from Carson Hall and one report from H.P. Barnhart Hall. DPS also received one report of found property, one report of stolen property and two reports of larceny.
Saturday, Nov. 1, 10:06 p.m.: DPS received a report of a stolen vehicle found by an officer in visitors’ parking.
Disorderly conduct
DPS received three reports of suspicious subjects, six reports of suspicious conditions, one report of reckless burning, four reports of Eugene Municipal Code violations, one report of disorderly conduct, two reports of vandalism and one report of an arrest.
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 5:05 p.m.: DPS received a report of a male subject asking the complainant to get into the subject’s vehicle at the EMU.
Friday, Oct. 31, 11:48 p.m.: DPS received a report of a subject urinating in public at the School of Music.
Alcohol and drugs
DPS received six reports of drug law violations and four reports of liquor law violations.
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 10:41 p.m.: DPS cited a subject for possession of less than one ounce of marijuana.
Friday, Oct. 31, 11:36 p.m.: DPS received a report of two subjects with a possible minor in possession of alcohol.
DPS received seven alarm reports.
Monday, Nov. 3, 12:19 p.m.: DPS received an emergency call from female staff reporting that they were stuck in the elevator at Bean Complex.