Mikal Shabazz to lecture
at Ramadan celebration
The campus community is invited to come learn about Ramadan and the Islamic faith today.
The Muslim Student Association is holding a fast-breaking celebration in the EMU Fir Room at 4:30 p.m. The event is free and open to everyone. University Catering will provide the food.
In addition, people who attend the event will get the chance to meet Mikal Shabazz, director of the Oregon Islamic Chaplain Organization, who will speak about the significance of Ramadan.
MSA spokeswoman Nadia Hasan said the event’s purpose is to debunk some of the myths and stereotypes surrounding Muslims and their faith.
“We want to create a better understanding of Islam to alleviate the generalizations made about Muslims,” she said. “It’s important to educate people as much as possible to stop the stereotypes and discrimination.”
Shabazz was once an imam, or prayer leader, at a mosque in Portland. He now does community outreach work, helping to educate the community about Islam. The lecture will coincide with the observance of Ramadan, a religious holiday in which area Muslims gather, pray together and break their daily fasts by drinking water and eating dates.
— Jared Paben