Do you ever get fed up with that song radio stations
play over and over again? You know the one. It’s on
the top-10 list, so naturally it must be played every
hour on the hour.
It is kind of like that with the posible war with
Iraq. Everywhere I look, everyone is protesting. It’s
rather disconcerting. I’m so sick of seeing and
hearing the debate.
Quite frankly, I think we should go to war. I think a
lot more people would feel differently if it was up in
our faces and people were bursting into OUR homes and
killing OUR families. I think people would feel it
would be more worth the United States’ time to go to
war. But since it’s so far away, people don’t feel we
should get involved. Does it have to be in people’s
face for them to want to go to war?
I heartily believe that we should fight for the lives
that could be taken so easily from Iraq’s weapons of
mass destruction.
It’s in OUR faces now, people. Support the men and
women of this country that are helping to protect us
all from enemies, foreign and domestic.
Support our nation.
Well I guess that’s my soapbox. I know a lot of
people strongly believe their convictions of war and
peace, but at some point we need to stop and think
about the what could happen here if we don’t act there.
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