So I’m really at a loss as to what to blog about.
I guess I could do the usual blog-rant and bitch
about things that are really pissing me off right now
like the almighty up-yours that the majority of Oregon
voters have laid on the state of Oregon regarding href=””>
28 and how much it’s going to hurt href=””>sc
target=”_new”>law enforcement, local government,
and href=””
target=”_new”>you-name-it, but I’m sure someone
else is going to blog about that.
I could also fill up some serious bandwidth with
complaints about how truly awful our href=”
president and his administration are. They may
truly be href=””
target=”_new”>the worst administration ever to
populate the White House, but that also seems cliche.
It’s been awhile since I’ve had a good gun rant; I
left most of my href=”″
target=”_new”>pro-firearm friends behind when I
left southern Oregon. It seems like most of the
people I encounter up here in Eugene are already
followers of href=”
Moore and loathe href=”
Heston and his “href=””
target=”_new”>cold dead hands” just as much
as I do… no need to preach to the choir.
Speaking of href=””
target=”_new”>Chuckles Heston, maybe I could
discuss something a little less serious, like
something going on in the entertainment world about href=””
target=”_new”>movies, href=”” target=”_new”>music,
or television and how giddy I am to see the new href=””
target=”_new”>Matrix movies but I should leave
those subjects to href=”″>
with a little more expertise.
I think I’ll skip it this week…
Just my $0.02.
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