“Save The Willamette” art show, runs March 4 and 5, Wilkinson House, 8 a.m.5 p.m.
Candidate interview drop-in session with Director of Faculty Development candidate Mary Fechner, Century Room E, EMU, 10:3011 a.m.
Comparative Literature lecture entitled “The Act of Writing and Literary Experience: Some Consequences of the Understanding of Language in Mallarme, Blanchot and Heidegger,” Browsing Room, Knight Library, 4 p.m.
Romance Languages lecture entitled “The Italian Job: Manuscripts of Old French from Medieval Italy,” 221 Friendly, 5 p.m.
Author Wayne Besen reads from and discusses his new book, “Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the ‘Ex-Gay’ Myth,” 110 Willamette, 7 p.m.
Art History lecture entitled “The Discovery of Tsagaan Gol — A Petroglyphic Complex in the Mongolian Altai Mountains,” 177 Lawrence, 7:30 p.m.
UO Ensembles Concert, Beall Concert Hall, 8 p.m.