I was appalled by Brad Schmidt’s reaction to the fliers inadvertently distributed with the Emerald before spring break (“Fliers distributed irresponsibly,” ODE, March 9). Women should be advised of the events that occurred during a Sigma Nu sponsored party, if indeed they happened. This woman allegedly witnessed the rape of another unconscious young woman, and the subsequent protection of the rapist by fraternity members. Sex with an unconscious person is rape; this is a black and white area.
I ran across one of these fliers in a women’s bathroom in McKenzie and I was amazed by this example of a woman possibly talking back. The issue here should not be over the ridiculous accusation of stolen advertising space! Once again, just like the University always does, the alleged indiscretions of a major fraternity are being shoved aside. The issue is rape — stolen power, stolen dignity. The flier stated that at least 20 members of Sigma Nu stopped the rapist from being apprehended — that sounds like full fraternity support of a rape. Did Mr. Schmidt, in the midst of his trivializing a serious criminal allegation, stop to think that perhaps spreading fliers “all over campus” was the witness’s best chance of a woman reaching the largest amount of other campus women? I think not. As he said, the information certainly wouldn’t have been welcomed by a fine “independent” newspaper like the Emerald. Of course not.
Perhaps she should have just kept her mouth shut like a good little girl.
Wake up!
Darlene Hampton is a University senior majoring in English.