With the inauguration of unabashedly anti-choice President George W. Bush and the recent appointment of U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, a woman’s right to choose is in serious jeopardy. Last Wednesday’s insert in the Emerald, funded by the pro-life group “Human Life Alliance,” is just the beginning of a stream of anti-choice propaganda which will be financially supplemented by this new administration.
The insert was not only emotionally manipulative, but it also cited many “facts” which are extremely questionable. The greatest misrepresentation was the claim that a link exists between abortion and breast cancer. An article in the insert by Dr. Joel Brind, deceptively accompanied by a photo of a friendly-looking female physician, asserted an increased breast cancer risk of 50 percent if an abortion is performed before the first live birth and claimed that, if multiple abortions are performed, the risk can increase up to 100 percent. The findings are backed up with a long medical explanation permeated with very impressive medical jargon.
What is omitted is the size of the sample set or any information regarding the scientific validity of the study. Many studies have been done surrounding this controversial hypothesis, but the most comprehensive was published by the New England Journal of Medicine in January 1997. A group of scientists in Denmark analyzed the medical histories of more than 1.5 million women and concluded that there is no increased risk of breast cancer for women who have had abortions. In addition, the January 2000 issue of Epidemiology also cites a recent study denouncing the claim. The Human Life Alliance’s presentation of one small and scientifically questionable study as fact is an attempt to exploit women’s fears in order to further their oppressive pro-life agenda.
This was the mildest form of manipulation incorporated within the article. The most atrocious was the emotional attacks aimed at rape survivors. Targeting women who have survived rape in order to advance an agenda which restricts all women’s sexual freedom trivializes the experiences of these survivors.
The pro-life movement’s attempt to control and regulate the reproductive behaviors of women is a reflection of the same patriarchal forces which perpetuate sexual assault and rape. Both are attempts to regain control over women, and it is insulting to suggest that relinquishing control over her body is the most appropriate avenue for a woman to cope with such a disempowering experience. Above are but two examples of the sensationalistic tactics used by the Human Life Alliance in their seven-page anti-choice paid advertisement.
Unfortunately, I am only a student and could not possibly afford such a pretentious advertisement, so I am limited to 550 words. It is ridiculous to suggest that an editorial of this size could adequately express the unethical nature of this expensive propaganda, but it is all that one who is not subsidized by the religious right can do. I do not have space to comprehensively address the lack of integrity behind the tabloid-style rhetoric of such headlines as “Baby Parts for Sale.”
Without such dollar power, all I can do is place confidence in students’ abilities to see through such insidious tactics and work to create an environment in which the student voice may actually be heard.
Heather Mitchell is the education & outreach coordinator for the ASUO Women’s Center.